Use this form to waive the right to an interpreter when appearing before a Magisterial District Judge.
Download Category: Language Access Plan
Interpreter Request – Family
Use this form to request an interpreter in a family law case.
Submit the completed form to the Language Access Coordinator:
Jessica Arnold
Language Access Coordinator
Warren County Courthouse
204 Fourth Avenue
Warren PA 16365
(814) 728-3531
Jurry Service for Citizens Who Speak English as a Second Language
Informational brochure about Jury Service in Pennsylvania’s State Courts for U.S. Citizens Who Speak English as a Second Language.
Language Access Plan Brochure
An informational brochure about the Language Access Plan. Provides a brief explanation about how to request an interpreter and what to expect.
Interpreter Waiver – Court of Common Pleas
Use this form to waive the right to an interpreter when appearing before the Court of Common Pleas.
Interpreter Request – Magisterial District Judge
Use this form to request an interpreter for a case before a magisterial district judge.
Submit the completed form to the Language Access Coordinator:
Jessica Arnold
Language Access Coordinator
Warren County Courthouse
204 Fourth Avenue
Warren PA 16365
(814) 728-3531
Interpreter Request – Criminal
Use this form to request an interpreter in a criminal case.
Submit the completed form to the Language Access Coordinator:
Jessica Arnold
Language Access Coordinator
Warren County Courthouse
204 Fourth Avenue
Warren PA 16365
(814) 728-3531
Interpreter Request – Civil
Use this form to request an interpreter in a civilĀ law case.
Submit the completed form to the Language Access Coordinator:
Jessica Arnold
Language Access Coordinator
Warren County Courthouse
204 Fourth Avenue
Warren PA 16365
(814) 728-3531
Language Access Plan
The Language Access Plan is the plan for the judicial district to ensure meaningful access to court services for persons with limited English proficiency or deaf or hard of hearing in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, the Pennsylvania Interpreter Act, and the Administrative Regulations Governing Court Interpreters for Persons With Limited English Proficiency and for Persons Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. The purpose of the plan is to provide a framework for the provision of timely and effective language assistance to persons with limited English proficiency and deaf and hard of hearing persons who come in contact with the judicial district.
Language Access Plan Complaint Form
Use this Form to file a complaint if you feel that your rights to meaningful language access have not been met by the Court. Contact the Court Administrator’s Office for details.